• seam partial deployment

    hi, i don't know if this is a seam or jboss issue but here it goes.. deploy an exploded ear to jboss 4.3 redeploy one ejb class annotated with @Name restart server deployed app cannot find the updated class if...
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    created by aozoren
  • a:mediaOutput NOT conversation compatible?

    Whenever I use <a:mediaOutput element="img"         mimeType="image/jpeg"         createContent="#{imageManager.paint}"    ...
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    last modified by courtneycouch
  • Inject Seam Component To Quartz Job

    Hi All,   I've successfully integrated seam with Quartz using the interface org.quartz.Job as describe in the following link: http://oreilly.com/pub/a/java/archive/quartz.html?page=2   I need to access th...
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    last modified by itays100
  • Automatic logout in a seam application

    Hi,   I have worked on a seam 2.2.2 FINAL application, which is already in production since 2011. It code base and as a result it is coverage has grown over time substantially, also the usage of the application ...
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    last modified by smuellner
  • Handling exceptions in Quartz Threads

    Hi,   I've got a pool of 10 threads and a few Cron jobs. These cron jobs check several different FTP/SFTP or POP connections at different intervals for incoming messages, add them to a processing queue or proces...
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    last modified by ibenjes
  • java.lang.IllegalStateException: A request must be associated with the context in order to load the known conversations using Seam 2.3.1 and AS 7.1.1.Final

    I have a Seam 2.3.1 ear project generating the exception specified on the title of this post when getting the home page with the browser. Following some other posts around (java.lang.IllegalStateException: A request ...
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    created by lucabur
  • Seam mail does not work with Primefaces

    Hi,   I've got the problem that when I generate an email with Seam synchronously (from a JSF thread) it causes a Null Pointer in Primefaces (when you use Primefaces). See here: http://forum.primefaces.org/viewt...
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    created by ibenjes
  • Seam 2.3 Authentication Login Page won't render in Internet Explorer 8

    I developed an application using JBoss Seam 2.1, RichFaces 3.3 and JSF 1. I used the standard Seam Authentication and when accessing the login form in IE8 or Firefox, the form rendered just fine. Now that I have upgra...
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    created by richfaces_ahop
  • How To Access Seam Components jar of an ear file in Another Ear by using @In annotation

    hi to all,     i am trying to access seam components of an ear  file in another ear,   i just export the components as jar and add the new seam project by adding that jar files through buildpath...
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    last modified by ramaraomtech810
  • Can't get Seam to Inject objects into a REST interface

    I'm developing an application on JBoss7 with Seam 2.3. I've got a REST interface that I'm trying to inject a stateless object into. Unfortunately, despite trying to inject it, and several other things (entitymanager, ...
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    last modified by mstockbr
  • Help me to resolve this issue..org.jboss.seam.InstantiationException: Could not instantiate Seam component: registration..I have attached registration class and server  log too.

    I,m using JBOSS dev studio 4. And generating build.xml by File->Export->Ant build...Look throught the build.xml and please reply me whether i need to add anything in that regarding JNDI.       ...
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    last modified by chandrew
  • java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.jboss.seam.persistence.HibernatePersistenceProvider

    Hi   I am getting below exception   Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: exception invoking: validate   at org.jboss.seam.util.Reflections.invokeAndWrap(Reflections.java:154)   at org.jboss...
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    last modified by selvarajc
  • deployment errors after migrating our EAR app from seam 2.2.2 to 2.3.1:Services with missing/unavailable dependencies ValidatorFactory Validator ORB HandleDelegate

    Hi,   I'm trying to migrate our seam 2.2.2 ear app to seam 2.2.3 to run on JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final so we can use  JPA 2, EJB 3.1, JSF2 and Bean Validation etc.   I've followed the  seam migration gu...
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    created by dozer247
  • Seam 2.3.1 discrepancy between runtime execution and Seam-Arquillian test execution

    Hi,   I am having a problem where I am experiencing different behaviour when testing and running the same ear file. When I use Arquillian Seam extension to invoke the application logic, everything is fine. When ...
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    last modified by live4eva
  • Seam 2 and J2EE7?

    When Seam 2 will support J2EE7 specification? JSF 2.2, though?
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    last modified by alixey
  • seam 2 cannot run in weblogic 12c jee6 or java 7

    Hi,   We have seam 2 project based on BookingWeb and we find it cannot run in Weblogic 12c. We find abnormal system behavior in page flow when page got code related to seam identity and conversation. Say, syst...
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    last modified by simonc2009
  • com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration cannot be cast to com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration

    Hi all, I try to deploy ||an example project 'swf-booking-faces' from Spring-Webflow-2.0.5 to JBoss 4.2.2.GA AS. But got following exception.Seems there is conflic between the lib-jars from SWF and JBoss.SOmeone has ...
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    last modified by thomas2008ch
  • How to use a "not exists" subquery in RESTRICTIONS ?

    Greetings,   Using Seam 2.2.6. I need to perform the following query:   select a from T1 where a.f1 <> some_value and not exists (select * from t2 where t2.f2 <> t1.f1);   I tried the fol...
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    created by simplex-software
  • Seam 2.1.1.GA appears to hold reference to stale HTTPRequest instance and uses it for subsequent HTTPRequests

    Hello, I am encountering an issue where Seam appears to be holding a reference to a stale HTTP Request object and using the stale reference to retrieve one or more attributes from the request during the processing of...
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    last modified by wbrazille
  • Seam 2.3.1 - Can't inject previously outjected value

    Hi,   I am having a problem whereby I outject a 'User' entity in my authenticate-method but trying to subsequently inject the 'User' entity in a different component results in the error : javax.ejb.EJBTransacti...
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    created by live4eva