• Seam 2.3.1 Upgrade - Injection/Outjection not functioning correctly

    Hi,   I am fairly new to Seam. I am busy upgrading a Seam 2.2 application on JBOSS 5 to Seam 2.3.1 on JBOSS 7.1. The application is deployed as an ear file and makes use of Richfaces 4, EJB and JPA.   I h...
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    last modified by live4eva
  • Seam 2.3.1 and Arquillian with glassfish3(managed)

    Hi all, i read this article Seam - Contextual Components. I try run integration test with Arquillian. My application use Seam 2.3.1.Final, Richfaces 4.3.4.Final, Hibernate 4.1.1.Final as JPA provider. I use ant for ...
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    last modified by alixey
  • class cast exception in drools that makes no sense: seam 2.3, eap 6.1

    I cannot understand this.  MVELDialectConfiguration implements DialectConfiguration. They are in the same jar file.  I've built this application using the seam 2.3 maven bom which specifies the version of dr...
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    created by jjfraney
  • class needed for every jboss component in components.xml? (seam 2.3, eap 6.1)

    We used themes in 2.2 on AS6, and I'm porting the app to 2.3 for eap6.1.   On 2.3, themes were not bring found. Exception from ThemeSelector, line 66, IllegalStateException "no themes defined".   This is t...
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    created by jjfraney
  • Destroying conversations and killAllOtherConversations

    Seam 2.1.2 - JBoss 4.2.3 - Hibernate 3.3.2 I've got a requirement to invalidate all conversations that contain a specific context variable when a particular action is invoked. I've almost been able to figure out how...
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    last modified by fuzzy333
  • Performance problems Jboss 4.2.3 & Seam 2.1, JPA, RichFaces & Primefaces

    Everybody have a nice day, this is my first post. Our company provides software development services and we also host the applications that we develop. We have right now 2 web POS systems that are heavily used (like 2...
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    last modified by asterisco69
  • org.jboss.seam.security.NotLoggedInException in Seam framework

    I am working on seam 2.0 framwork. Recently we have shifted our application(having role based access for users) to a load balanced set up(Apache HTTP server + 2 tomcat 6.0.18 instances) in a non-sticky session environ...
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    created by tsharma14
  • showing tiff image in PDF

    I am trying to put a tiff image file in my PDF by using <p:image value="#{toevoegen.dataStr}"/> tag. implementation details:- entity class @Name("toevoegen") @AutoCreate public class Toevoegen { private Byt...
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    last modified by pkatta
  • problems with seam 2.2 jbpm 3.2.2 and sql server on as7

    we use a seam 2.2. application in combination with jbpm 3.2.2   we migrated the application to Jboss AS 7. It works fine under oracle, but we got problems using it with sql server.   When jbpm want's to ge...
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    created by ajanz
  • seam 2.3 jstl tags without long running conversation

    Hi all,   I'm doing migration from seam 2.2 (jsf 1.2, jboss6) to seam 2.3 (jsf 2, jboss 7) and found strange behavior. I was able to reproduce it with contact-list example: edit viewContact.xhtml page and repla...
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    last modified by petros
  • How NOT to log an exception in the log file

    Hi all. I have the following in my pages.xml      <exception class="javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException" log-level="debug" log="false">       &#...
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    last modified by amitev
  • Https is lost after redirection based on page.xml navigation rule

    I have an application with seam 2.3.0 Final deployed on jboss 7.1.1 Final. I was trying to install this application and use https protocol. Login page is displayed well, but when i'm trying to log in i'm redirected to...
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    created by petros
  • Set locale based on domain mapping

    Hi,   I have a SEAM 2.2.2 App running on JBoss AS6   The App is setup with a number of languages (English and Swedish)   In the JBoss deploy directory /jbossweb.sar/server.xml I have mapped a number ...
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    created by baddeley84
  • EAP 6.1Migration issue: Successful login results in cyclic page redirects; how to debug

    Hello, I am migrating my seam 2.x jsf1.2 webapp from AS6.0 to EAP6.1 and stuck badly at redirect problem of from login page to home page. From logs it is not getting clear to me as to what is the issue as no ERROR or...
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    last modified by devsisodia
  • can not find entity using seam managed persistence context

    Hi everyone,   I'm trying to migrate authentication in my seam application from using a login page to a get request (containing a header for the user). I'm facing a weird problem when using login page to authent...
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    created by mel7it
  • garbage collection on pagescoped bean with seam 2.2.1

    we still use seam 2.2.1   we have a page scoped bean with a DataModel and a List<Data>.   we looked at the memory consumption after a normal automated test.   although no users are anymore logg...
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    created by ajanz
  • Nested conversation StaleStateException

    Hi all, I get a staleStateException when restoring the parent conversation. When I start the parent conversation I inject the customerHome into the CustomerAction which is in conversation scope. I have a page where ...
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    last modified by derkd
  • Seam 2.2.2 App Migration to EAP 6.1 ; browser complaining "The page isn't redirecting properly"

    I am facing problem that is resulting in browser displaying message "The page isn't redirecting properly. Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never compl...
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    last modified by devsisodia
  • EAP6.1 migration issue: swallowing exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No active application scope

    I am facing below while performing upgrade of seam 2.2.2, jsf1.2 application to EAP 6.1. Application is getting deployed successfully and landing page is also displayed in  browser. User authentication is happeni...
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    created by devsisodia
  • jboss seam-2.2.0 can not run jboss AS 7

    hi.   Does anyone can success deploy seam2.2.0 version to jboss AS 7?   i deployed a jEE6 ear project to the AS7 . when i access the index page , it raise below error.    I have no idea how to ...
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    last modified by tony.peng