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Design-Time Governance

Posted by kcbabo Mar 29, 2012

One of the primary themes for our 0.4 release was governance and how we can support common governance capabilities at both design-time and runtime.  Governance is an incredibly broad domain, so we started with the basics.  In the case of design-time governance, this meant exploring the workflow and capabilities a user might want for interacting with a service repository.  The details are covered in the docs, but I find that seeing things in action is the best way to learn.  I have created a screencast based on our Repository Integration example, so if you like to see before you do, then here ya go.


BTW, I recommend watching the video in HD full-screen vs. embedded.  Both flavors included below.




This is just the tip of the iceberg in our overall SOA governance support.  If you want to see where things will go from here, check out the Overlord project.


SwitchYard 0.4 Released

Posted by kcbabo Mar 28, 2012

We took a little extra time with this one, but it was worth it.  A primary theme of 0.4 was how the ESB can be used in the context of governance, at design-time and runtime.  We're really happy with the progress we've made there and we're just getting warmed up.  In total, there were 105 JIRAs resolved in 0.4, so there's plenty in there beyond governance as well.  The juicy details can be found in the SwitchYard 0.4 Release Overview, which contains a list of all the new features with pointers to examples and documentation on each.


We have a sizeable backlog of videos we've been planning on everything from getting stuff installed, to feature profiles, to exploration of the more obscure aspects of the project.  So stay tuned and let us know what you think!



The SwitchYard Team

SwitchYard 0.4 is almost out the door, and with it comes a brand-spankin' new API for BPM task integration!


Whereas the underlying BPM implementation is jBPM 5.2.0.Final, the API wraps it with SwitchYard interfaces.  How easy is it to use these interfaces?


Here's the minimal code for starting a TaskServer (host/port is overridable):

TaskServer server = TaskService.instance().newTaskServer();



And the minimal code for connecting a TaskClient (host/port is overridable):

TaskClient client = TaskService.instance().newTaskClient();



How about getting, claiming, starting and completing a Task?

String userId = "david";

List<String> groupIds = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"users"});

Task task = client.getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner(userId, gropuIds).iterator().next();

client.claim(task.getId(), userId, groupIds);

client.start(task.getId(), userId);

client.complete(task.getId(), userId, null);


Make sure you check out the links below for more detailed information:


And of course we are always available in the SwitchYard Forums or #switchyard on freenode.



The good folks at have put up a brief interview with the SwitchYard team here:


Expect to see a lot more content rolling out as we are wrapping up 0.4.  We dropped CR1 last week and Final will be out next week.

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