• Retrieve headers message in camel route (SwitchYard 1.1)

    Dear,   Is it posible retrieve inside camel route any heders value ?   I have the folowing route:   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?> <routes xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring...
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    last modified by rasilvacw
  • Deploying switchyard app as HA Singleton Service

    Hi,   I have an applications that needs to be highly available but can be only triggered only once in a cluster. Since JBOSS server provides the capability of deploying your code as HA Singleton service by writi...
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    last modified by aymanyaq
  • switchyard compatibility with current modules in Jboss ESB

    Hi, We are using jboss ESB 4.5 in our production handling about 30 types of messages request reply or publish subscibe. We are looking into upgrade. Between jboss 4.12 and switchyard, if we pick switchyard is it goi...
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    last modified by sh_sadrai
  • Trouble deploying switchyard application

    I'm having some troubles deploying a switchyard application.  I followed the tutorial here: Tutorial - SwitchYard - Project Documentation Editor   when i deploy my application to jboss eap with switchyard i...
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    last modified by mlybarger
  • File Binding

    Good Morning,                      I have a project that i am working on that requires File polling, to poll for cha...
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    last modified by jcoders
  • Not getting Subject,to and from while fetching mail using switchyard

    Hi I am trying to fetch the mail using switchyard. but I am only getting mail body in the logs. But I also required the Subject, to and from in the logs.   Below is my route.xml -------------------------------...
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    last modified by skadian1
  • Switchyard Quickstart BPM-service build failure

    Hi team,   I am a newbie to Switchyard,trying switchyard-1.1.0.Final-EAP6.1.GA.I follow the online docs step wise to get a quick idea on Swithchyard,where I faced a starting problem. In quickstarts,when I tried...
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    last modified by dhivyateg
  • Could not connect to remote://localhost:9999,Connection time-out error in Remote-invoker

    Hi team,   I am a newbie to Switchyard,trying with switchyard-1.1.0.Final-EAP6.1.GA Maven-3.2.1 Java 1.7 I follow the online docs step wise to get a quick idea on Swithchyard,where I faced a starting problem. In...
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    last modified by dhivyateg
  • Support for Wildfly

    Hi,   Is it possible to install Switchyard on Wildfly (or any other container) instead of EAP?     Thanks Venkat
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    last modified by raghav.raman
  • How to use ref-attribute from apache-camel within SwitchYard

    I have a SwitchYard-Application (Version: 1.1) with an camel-service-component implemented via xml-routes. Within xml-route i want to throw any exception. I found the tag: "<throwException ref="myFail"/>" for ...
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    last modified by mae
  • JMS Service Binding & transferException Option

    hi, camel supports the 'transferException' option for jms endpoint's to return signaled/thrown exceptions back as response - if this option is disabled (by default) EndpointMessageListener won't return anything and...
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    last modified by michaelclay
  • CDI managed RouteBuilder or how to get access to (component/domain) properties within a RouteBuilder

    hi,   is there an easy way to support CDI managed Camel RouteBuilder (implementations) because I need to access component/domain properties from within a RouteBuilder (e.g. injected properties)   regards, ...
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    last modified by michaelclay
  • Problem deploying quickstart/remote-invoker

    Hi, I'm testing switchyard using getting started sample : https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/SWITCHYARD/Getting+Started   Jboss : jboss-eap-6.1 Java : 1.7 (OS X) switchyard : 1.1.0.Final-EAP6.1.GA   i...
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    created by geekslife
  • Memory issue for Camel SQL based endpoints in SwitchYard

    Hi, I am recently working with SwitchYard. In my application there are 30 Java bean based component and 30 Camel SQL based endpoints. While I am trying to start JBoss server, it is getting Out Of Memory Exception. ...
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    last modified by satyajit_ijt
  • Problem in deploying QuickStart

    Hi All,        I am new to switch yard and i have tried to deploy the quickstart by fallowing the Switchyard Doc.   I am using below specification to run the switch yard.   Jboss ...
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    last modified by lokeshmalla
  • Can't use Camel unit test framework with SwitchYard endpoints

    Greetings, I'm using FSW 6 on Windows 7. I deployed a service having a Camel implementation and a Camel URI binding. In order to invoke the service I'm using a Camel unit test like the following:   @Test public ...
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    last modified by simplex-software
  • Production Architecture

    Does anyone has a reference architecture for a production ha setup?   I have several questions as below:   1) Do all the FSW instances point to the same database tables? 2) Where should be SRAMP and runti...
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    last modified by wayne_toh
  • Proxy to FTP servers, CMIS servers, etc...

    Hi all, I'm curious if this is something in the works, or even makes sense.   I am excited about the runtime governance coming, but there are lot of existing services that will not benefit from that runtime gov...
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    created by dhartford
  • Web service endpoint lookup

    Hi.   Is there any way to implement something similar to functional of Websphere ESB endpoint lookup primitive (http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/esbsoa/wesbv7r5m1/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.websphere.wesb.progr...
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    created by ssidashov
  • Parallel Execution of SQL Binding in SwitchYard

    Hi,   I have couple of long running sql that I need to execute for generating response of a request. I am using SQL Binding. I need to get result from all of them, apply data massaging and send response back. &#...
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    last modified by satyajit_ijt