• org.riftsaw:engine:jar:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT is not found on Nexus

    Hi Riftsaw guys,   I got this error and actually I couldn't find 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT directory in https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/staging/org/riftsaw/engine/   [ERROR] Failed to execute goal o...
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    last modified by igarashitm
  • Adding "com/sun/image/codec/jpeg" in the sun.jdk module.

    Hi all,   I need to add the <path name="com/sun/image/codec/jpeg" /> in the sun/jdk module to fix an issue in BPEL console (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RIFTSAW-484). Can someone please point me to the ...
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    last modified by jeff.yuchang
  • Refactoring Add Transform Wizard

    Hey all,   I'm working on integrating transformer creation into the service promotion workflow.  To enable that, I've done a bit of refactoring of the "Add Transform" functionality in the editor (right-clic...
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    last modified by rcernich
  • BaseModel and QName attributes

    Hi   I have a ComponentImplementationModel that has an attribute which is a QName. Currently this gets returned as a string, but then I only get the namespace prefix and local part, whereas I would actually like...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • CXF and CXFRS incompatibility

    I noticed as part of this JIRA work https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWITCHYARD-945, the CXFRS library has been upgraded to 2.6.1. Is there any reason for doing so? This breaks in AS7 ERROR [org.jboss.msc.service.fail]...
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    last modified by mageshbk
  • Intercepting service invocations

    I have an exchange handler that evaluates an exchange against some business policy, and if relevant prevents the invocation from occuring.   Currently this handler just throws a SwitchyardException - but this ap...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • WS-Policy vs Switchyard Policies

    Hi   Noticed some discussion on policies in switchyard config, but assume this does not cover WS-Policy?   Alternatively, as jbossws-cxf supports WS-Policy, I assume that the soap component would be able t...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Working with Generated Configuration in the SY Editor

    Hey all,   I've recently added support to the SwitchYard editor which visualizes generated configuration details (i.e. configuration provided by a scanner class configured on SwitchYard's Maven "configure" mojo)...
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    created by rcernich
  • Forge tooling error

    Has anyone tried the forge tooling lately? I get this error on startup Plugin system disabled due to failure while loading one or more plugins; try removing offending plugins with "forge remove-plugin <TAB>". co...
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    last modified by mageshbk
  • Tooling for HTTP Gateway

    This gateway supports both service and reference bindings. The Service binding spec:     <sequence>         <element name="contextPath" type="string" minOccu...
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    last modified by mageshbk
  • Binding UI for HTTP Gateway

    While working on SWITCHYARD-1027, which is the tooling side of SWITCHYARD-985, I ran into a couple of questions I'm hoping to get some feedback on...   First, here's a screen shot of the UI for an HTTP binding a...
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    last modified by bfitzpat
  • Note: The namespace for operationSelector element will be changed

    Once Keith pushes my dynamic operation selector stuff(SWITCHYARD-916), the namespace for operationSelector will be changed to the "urn:switchyard-component-common-selector:config:1.0" on camel, http, hornetq and jca b...
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    created by igarashitm
  • Looking at switchyard-component-common

    Seems like we could use a component-common module similar to the one we have for core today.  Before you say "we already have this", we don't really.  We have a parent module and a number of sub-modules in c...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • Policy Support in the Editor

    I've started looking at how to support SWITCHYARD-950 in the editor, which adds policy support to the editor.   Based on the documentation (https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/SWITCHYARD/Policy), it looks lik...
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    last modified by bfitzpat
  • Tooling for RESTEasy Gateway

    This gateway supports both service and reference bindings. The spec: <sequence>     <element name="interfaces" type="string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">       ...
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    last modified by mageshbk
  • Extensible "wrapper" type for Message Composition

    MessageComposers and ContextMappers have a generic type associated with them, which is the type of native message that binding/gateway is associated with.  For some components, there is an easy candidate, for exa...
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    last modified by dward
  • Pluggable PolicyProviders

    As part of the work for SWITCHYARD-830, I needed a way to configure a SecurityPolicy "PolicyProvider" and associate it with those services who will use it to authenticate (or whatever the security action is) and provi...
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    last modified by dward
  • Generics support for bean references

    Hi,   I was thinking about invocation of services with 'interface.esb' from Java code. Right now (if I understand it correctly) I need to create an interface with a single method and typed parameter and return v...
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    last modified by jpechanec
  • Service operation (invocation contract) only supports one fault type

    I have a BPMN2 choreography that is generating a switchyard bean service where one of the operations returns two faults, and I get the following exception:   org.switchyard.exception.SwitchYardException: Service...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • A handy method for quickstarts deployment

    Hello everyone,   While playing with the quickstarts, I found a handy method for their deployment is missing which we have in JBoss ESB. In JBoss ESB, you can deploy its quickstarts by just typing 'ant deploy.' ...
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    last modified by tadayosi