• TEIID30504 File not found

    Hi everyone,   I really need help from anyone since I've been stuck in this problem for a while.   I got one CSV file as a data source and I want to access it using the Java code that I have defined all th...
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    last modified by joshuabezaleel
  • Teiid Blob Reference Stream (InputStreamFactory) VS Simple Java Stream

    Hi Teiid Community,   In our translator we have implemented Blob streaming as mentioned in this Article using the InputStreamFactory:   "With reference to the design, when we encounter a Blob we send a BLO...
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    last modified by fzkhan
  • Does the latest Teiid 12.1.1 contains WildFly 16.0 ?

    Does the latest Teiid 12.1.1 contains WildFly 16.0 ?
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    last modified by shwetha.veera
  • Multi-Inserts & Transactions via Batch Request

    Hello,   I have two questions about OData in connection with the Teiid / WildFly 11.   1) In my case the Teiid is connected to a database of a MariaDB Server 10.2 or alternatively to a MS SQL Server 2017. ...
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    last modified by dmtine
  • Odd Casting Exception

    Hi all.   I am 100% sure I am doing something stupid here, but I cannot for the life of me see what.   I have a very simple XLS-based table deployed in Teiid 11.2.2.:   <model name="Inspections"&g...
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    last modified by dines
  • Scraping Teiid metrics with Prometheus

    Hello together, I recently read this article about future development of Teiid https://teiid.io/blog/post-11-20-18/  and I am wondering if Teiid Wildfly in the meantime provides a metrics interface to be scraped...
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    last modified by cjohn001
  • How to pass the array of Account Number for my account service to get info...

    I would like to know how to pass the array or list account number to my service   My input parameters are 1. accountnumber in a array   like array[123,345, 678,987] 2. startdate 3. enddate   ...
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    last modified by pmthirumaran
  • Active Directory Datasource

    Hi all.   I'm in the process of setting up a Teiid server between two domains, such that it can perform analysis of users and permissions between the two domains. The installation went well, but I have been unab...
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    last modified by dines
  • Howto set useCursorFetch=true in XA datasource

    Hello together, following the description here MySQL Translators · GitBook I am trying to set the useCursorFetch property on a XA datasource. Unfortunately I have not found a description yet how to do this. I so...
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    last modified by cjohn001
  • java.lang.NullPointerException when calling a stored procedure via Teiid

    Hello together, I am currently trying to get stored procedures via odata working. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or if I am hitting a bug in TEIID. I ran into one issue as described below and have a coup...
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    last modified by cjohn001
  • With Teiid data vartulization; how to connect to google cloud bucket?

    I am new to teiid, In our project we are using teiid to connect to different databases. we have new requirement to connect to google cloud bucket Is there any driver or translator provided by teiid which we can use ...
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    last modified by pranitag
  • Subquery - Planning error. Could not find symbol

    I have an issue happening on a specific query containing subquery joins and I am getting the exception: org.teiid.core.TeiidRuntimeException: Planning error. Could not find symbol...   if I remove one join from ...
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    last modified by mtawk
  • timestamp fields fetch error with Cassandra

    I am getting the below error when fetching a Cassandra table containing a column of type timestamp   ERROR TEIID_CONNECTOR_LOGGER:92 (Worker1_QueryProcessorQueue117) -  - [Connector worker process failed fo...
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    last modified by mtawk
  • AdminAPI, Resource Adapter per Connection

    We are connecting to Cassandra through Teiid. Unlike AdminConsole, we are not able to add a connection-definition via AdminAPI to an existing Resource Adapter. So we have to create a Resource Adapter for each new Ca...
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    last modified by mtawk
  • "cannot be pushed to source" error when calling source function, with parameters referred to table columns.

    Teiid version: 12.0   Source database: Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Translator: sqlserver   Lets assume, in Microsoft SQL server, I have a source function dbo.examplefunc(uniqueidentifier, date, bit). The da...
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    last modified by cshong
  • Teiid 12.1.0 Reading from Infinispan 9.4.9.Final

    Hi all, I have some issues in reading from a remote Infinispan cache. I can read the remote cache by using a simple main Java application, settings  properly server host:port, and the cache name.   Here i...
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    last modified by l.fugaro
  • How to import view tables with Teiid Designer and make them accessible via odata

    Hello together, as I am currently having problems to get expand operations efficiently working with Teiid ontop of a mysql database, I tried to create a view table which holds the joined data to let mysql handle the ...
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    last modified by cjohn001
  • SQL Error for time with millisecond

    Hi, I have a problem running the following SQL on Teiid:   select Sum("column_int") as "Sum_column_int", "column_time" from "FoodmartDataSourceJNDI_public"."tablewithalltypes" where ("column_time" between '02...
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    last modified by ichanjasper
  • How to define relationships for views

    Hi I am a bit new to JDV and I am trying to create a VDB from a set of views in a Greenplum DB. I have a view layer that has views like sales, customer and product. These are not tables but views with some filters et...
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    last modified by srivi
  • howto teiid odata v4 with "any" query in expand statement

    Hello together, I  have some trouble to get a query working, maybe someone can help me with the syntax   I have two Tables here   Diary - idDiaryEntry -fkIdProductCode (which is the foreignKey to t...
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    last modified by cjohn001