• TeiiD Designer / Windows

    I've been using JBDS 7.1.1 GA with Teiid Designer 8.5.0.Final on Windows and unfortunately I have to say I feel is VERY unstable has any else had issues or noticed anything?
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    last modified by virtualdatabase
  • teiid preview data throws an error

    Using Please see attached error....   Also in the server.log I see the message   18:35:35,446 WARN  [org.teiid.SECURITY] (New I/O worker #3) 9LHBHsLI6ohL TEIID40011 Processing exception 'TEIID400...
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    last modified by skanchi
  • TEIID40114 Unhandled exception, closing client instance: 2: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2

    This exception occurs when trying to import a JDBC data source. The connection profile looks right in terms of the connection string, and the user and password seem correct. A representative stack trace in the jboss s...
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    last modified by gmackinnon
  • How to quickly add 1 more table/view to my source model?

    Using Teiid Designer 8.3 I have a database in SQL Server as my data source that contains a few tables and a few views. I created a source model for this data source using the "Create Source Model for JDBC data sourc...
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    last modified by drgalt06
  • NTLM in Teiid

    I want to use NTLM based authentication using jdbc connector in Teiid. I have tried to create a connecton to Database using: 1. Create Teiid Model Project-> Source ->Import->JDBC Connection 2. I see a featu...
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    last modified by madhurika_sharma
  • Import error - java.lang.nullpointer error when using Saleforce importer with salesforce sandbox

    I am trying to import some Salesforce objects from Salesforce Sandbox environment. I am was to connect to the sandbox, retrieve the objects and select the object, but the end, I got "import error" with detail error (j...
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    last modified by lightsailpro
  • can't create a profile connection using teiid designer 8.5 alpha2

    I installed teiid designer 8.5 alpha2 on eclipse kepler 4.3.2.   I'm unable to create a jdbc connection profile for teiid.  The wizard lets me select a driver from the drop-down and provide connection detai...
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    last modified by gmackinnon
  • LDAP Multi-Value Attribute Update

    Hi,   Is there capability in Teiid for updating Multi-Value attributes for a DN like 'member' attribute etc.. I did see a bug recorded - [TEIID-1675] Add capability to insert/update/delete multi-value .. Not sur...
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    last modified by ranjith123
  • Refreash Teiid Designer?

    Hi All,   I've been using Designer for a few years and I know there is a lot of stuff that goes on behind the scenes as far as getting everything to tie together well with Teiid Server, but as a general user I d...
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    last modified by jason.marley
  • RESTful web service error: Unexpected multi-valued result

    Hi,   I created a VDB that accessed the RESTful web services located here: http://www.thomas-bayer.com/sqlrest/CUSTOMER/   The steps I followed to create the source and view models are: 1. Selected the op...
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    last modified by sarin_ashish
  • Modeling issue with Oracle and servicenames

    The jdbc url when connecting to oracle via a service name is different. For example:   jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>/<ServiceName>   -vs- using   jdbc:oracle:thin:@<HOST>:...
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    last modified by virtualdatabase
  • How can we create a view model using two source models using teiid designer?

    I was trying to use the teiid designer to create a view model by joining two tables present in different source models. I was not able to find any way of achieving the same.
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    last modified by cgausub
  • utilizing a Extension (mxd) file

    I have created and registered a extension model. However, when I look at the properties of a model and try to define the "Extension Package" I get an empty drop down... any known issues or suggestions?   Using;...
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    last modified by virtualdatabase
  • Sharepoint list xml, No columns defined error

    I am trying to import a local xml file (see below) from a SharePoint 2010 list. When I select a node  (m:property) as root, I got the "No columns defined error". It does not allow me to add d:name. Does anyone kn...
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    last modified by lightsailpro
  • How to delete preview vdb

    I have a preview session that hangs. I terminated the session. Now I could not preview any longer. Does anyone know how to remove the preview vdb created by the preview button?
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    last modified by lightsailpro
  • xml parsing error content is not allowed in prolog

    I am trying to set up a WebTrend REST API XML format using the xml file - remote url connector. I got  "xml parsing error content is not allowed in prolog" after I type in url, username, password and click Ok. Co...
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    last modified by lightsailpro
  • Access a cloud database (Azure) as a source using Data Virtualization

    Home | Sample Data | Back to Examples....   Access a cloud database (Azure) as a source using Data Virtualization This article provides instructions for connecting to a cloud database (Microsoft Azure) using...
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    last modified by blafond
  • Connect to a Flat File using Teiid

    Connect to a Flat File using Teiid >>> Back to Examples....   This article will guide you through an example of connecting to a flat file as a relational source, using Teiid Designer.  It is as...
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    last modified by blafond
  • User-Defined Function (UDF) Example

    User-Defined Function (UDF) Example   >>> Back to Examples....   A Teiid Designer Model Project Set is attached, which contains an example of using a custom java user defined function.  Downl...
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    last modified by blafond
  • Expose a Teiid source as a Web Service - example including Model Project Set

    Expose a Teiid source as a Web Service - example including Model Project Set   A Teiid Designer Model Project Set is attached, which demonstrates how to expose any Teiid data source as a web service.  The e...
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    last modified by mdrillin