• Source Code Documentation

    Hi there,   I am trying to understand the architecture of the plugins source code. When extracting, there are lots of folders (freemarker, gwt ...). Is there any documentation, that describes the content of the ...
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    last modified by fanna
  • can upgrade JBoss Tools 3.4 beta dependency slf4j version?

    slf4j 1.5.8 is too old, and some other eclipse plugin use higher version. it cause conflict when install them same time. can upgrade to 1.6.0 or higher? 1.6.x is compatible
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    created by wwfifi
  • Does JBoss Tools Visual Page Editor support JSF2 tag other than richfaces?

    I will have a project which is planning to use both richfaces and primefaces and i am finding a suitable IDE for the projects.   i am trying the JBoss Tools 3.3.0 and the Visual Page Editor works greate with Ric...
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    last modified by suiaing
  • How to Build JBoss Tools with Maven 3 - Working With Branches

    The usual process for JBoss Tools development is to at some point in the cycle declare a code freeze, branch the code in trunk to a new branch, and begin building BOTH the stable branch and unstable trunk in parallel....
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    last modified by nickboldt
  • New Plugin: no class org/jboss/forge/project/facets/BaseFacet

    Hello,   I am part of the Switchyard community. We had a set of plugins working for Forge1.0.0.Alpha4 and we now need to move forward to Forge1.0.0.Beta3.   In Alpha4 were were installing the plugins just ...
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    last modified by antollinim
  • Asking for feedback about problem management in Java WorkingCopy

    Hello, I'm currently refactoring a large part of the JAX-RS plugin to support JavaElementChanges instead of ResourceChanges, in order to fix some issues and eventually provide faster computation and feedbacks to the ...
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    created by xcoulon
  • No Persistence library in Hibernate Tools Eclipse Plugin?

    Hello all, I am new to Hibernate and need some help.   I am using Eclipse Indigo and Hibernate Tools Eclipse Plugin 3.4.   I've successfully setup hibernate configuration including database driver, connec...
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    last modified by mairr
  • JBoss Maven Integration Facet?

    Hey all,   I'm prototyping some basic tooling for SwitchYard and have pieced together a crude faceted project preset to allow SwitchYard projects to be deployed to AS using the existing WTP support.  The fa...
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    last modified by rcernich
  • How to Make Your JUnit Tests Run Faster in Eclipse

    TBD: more tips and examples are comming (work is still in progress)   Consider mocking for eclipse interfaces rather trying to obtain real one from eclipse Consider using core tests instead of ui tests, which i...
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    last modified by dgolovin
  • JSF error page integration

    Hi,   there is outgoing effort at myfaces to improve error reporting and handling [1].   As part of [2] I want to create on-click navigation from myfaces error page to source file. There are two cases: 1...
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    last modified by markoc50
  • VPE 3.3 wish list

      Refactor VPE. VPE became too comlex, it makes new features harder and harder to implement over time. Move to new XULRuner 1.9.2.x (JBIDE-6429),  or XULRunner 2.0, or WebKit (or anything else). Implement...
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    last modified by yradtsevich
  • Jboss Tools 3.3 - still not fully functional on 64 bit windows

    Hello. I have been using the 32 bit eclipse with Jboss Tools 3.2 so that I avoid any problems with the visual editor.  I believe that the version of XulRunner was responsible for the problem.  Possibly the ...
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    last modified by gerry.matte
  • URL rewriting using jboss

    Hi ,      In our appliaction , we are using struts framewok , opencms and jboss server. The requirement is to append the selected country name and selected language to the url.When the request is ...
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    created by raghu_dev2005
  • CDI Tools 3.3 wish list

    Here is a list of new features for CDI Tools which we may plan to implement in 3.3 version.   1. Support Seam Solder extensions (@Veto, @Requires, @Exact, named packages, @FullyQuilified, @Resource)   ...
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    last modified by akazakov
  • How to Build JBoss Tools 3.2 with Maven 3

    Current trunk version of JBoss Tools can be built with maven 3 and make it faster and easier for everyone. Prerequisites Java 1.6 SDK Maven 3.beta1 About  6 GB of free disk space if you want to run all integ...
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    last modified by dgolovin
  • JBoss Tools wish list

    Here is a list of features that we could add to JBoss Tools: Arquillian creating a wizard that would create a new Arquillian project (maven), add required libraries and a simple test case adding m2eclipse configurat...
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    last modified by snjeza
  • Smooks Tools 3.3 wish list

    List new features here
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    last modified by dartpeng
  • Hibernate tools 3.3 wish list

    Here is a list of new features for Hibernate Tools plugins which we'll consider to implement in 3.3 version.   1. Hibernate 4 support. There is already Hibernate 4.0.0.Alpha1 released. We are going to support Hi...
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    last modified by dgeraskov
  • Jboss tools with Seam 2.2

    Anybody got Jboss tools working with Seam 2.2?   The create project wizard stops at the point when the Seam runtime configuration is done. Apparently the Jboss Tools expect only Seam 2.0.   We are working ...
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    last modified by sadasivaram
  • Deployment problem under Windows 7 / 64bit ?

    Hello community,   sorry, but I opend my first posting about this problem in the Jboss AS discussion group and after some answers, and we decide to moved the thread to "Jboss Tools" group. But I don't got any h...
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    last modified by ula.uvula