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Thread Drools connectivity with Phoenix datasource
Drools connectivity with Phoenix datasourceHi All, When we are connecting drools UI with Phoenix data base, we are getting the below error: Connection test Failed java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:org.slf4j.LoggerFactory For creating the Dat...
Failed to load annotated classHello, I am new to Wildfly and JBoss, I have only worked with it at university, now I made my own project and tried to deploy it on wildfly, but I am currently having a hard time with these Exceptions: ...
Memory Leak in Drool 6.0.1I am having OOM issues, even after increasing JVM heap size from 2GB to 4GB we having OOM, after analyzing heap dump I am seeing this as a primary leak suspsect, Need some help and advice, we have been using drool 6.0...
Article JBossTools - Delegating Servers Via Subsystems
JBossTools - Delegating Servers Via SubsystemsThis is an attempt to outline a proposed new API for handling server types that need to delegate their behavior based on settings on a server. Current Situation JBossTools' component "ASTools" currentl...
InstanceNotFoundException - jboss-server.xmlHi, I am developing for an old system (java 1.4) , but I am having some issues with the jboss configuration, first I am using eclipse 3.1 , jboss ide 3.2.2 and jdk 1.4, I am trying to run and old project but the jboss...
How tu use MS SQL Server as the databaseHello, How i can deploy TicketMonster to JBoss EAP, using the database MS SQL SERVER just like PostgreSQL and MySQL ?? Did not find a tuto like Appendix A - Deploying to JBoss EAP locally Thank...
How To Build JBoss Tools Target PlatformsThis document has moved. See the following pages: Using target platforms in eclipse Target platform update process Target platform release process
How To Build JBoss Tools 4.1 FAQThis document has moved to jbosstools-devdoc/how_to_build_jbosstools_faq.adoc at master · jbosstools/jbosstools-devdoc · GitHub Frequently Asked Questions: How Do I Build JBoss Tools ...
Thread Eclipse Plug in slow to add / remove projects
Eclipse Plug in slow to add / remove projectsHi. I am using Eclipse Luna with JBoss Tools Interface core plug in. When I click add / remove in the context menu the first time (after launching) it takes about 15 minutes to recognize the dynamic web pr...
Thread How to get jboss forge addon registry initialized?
How to get jboss forge addon registry initialized?Jboss forge addon registry does not get initialized by Injecting it. public class JBossForgeCommand implements AddonRegistry{ @Inject private AddonRegistry registry; Imported<CommandProvider> instance...
Thread JBoss Tools publishing unit tests instead of classes
JBoss Tools publishing unit tests instead of classesHi, I'm facing a really weird situation in my Eclipse and I cannot find out what's wrong. Since some days JBoss Tools publishes the unit cases (as .java-Files) to the WildFly-Server instead of the compiled .c...
Thread new "fuse project" option not available in eclipse
new "fuse project" option not available in eclipsehi Team, I am trying to create new 'fuse project' but this option was not shown in IDE. I have installed "jbdevstudio" for luna from eclipse marketplace, added "JBoss Integration and SOA developement" and "JBoss fus...
Failed to discover all connectors.I am trying to install “SOA and Data Services Tooling” and “Business Rules Tooling” on Getting error at JBoss Central but whenever I try to put any text in the Find bar and click refresh I get ...
How to get instance of Wildfly8ServerHi, I develop extension to JBoss Tools allowing to inspect CDI Beans. I'd like to know how to get instance of org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.core.server.internal.v7.Wildfly8Server or at least of org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.c...