• 15th August 2011.

    Beehive (Old Library Bldg), Rm 2.20   9.30 - 10: Introductory remarks: Mark/Santosh   10 - 10.30: Red Hat talk (Jonathan Halliday  on NoSQL)   10.30 - 11: Red Hat talk (Savara Project, Gary Brow...
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    last modified by marklittle
  • 16th July 2010

    Red Hat Research lab full day meeting, 16 July.   9.30 - 10: Introduction to the Lab and future plans, Mark Little/Paul W/Santosh   10 - 10.30: Red Hat plans on PaaS (Mark)   10.30 - 11: Red Hat plan...
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    last modified by marklittle
  • JBoss AS Clustering FAQ (pre-7.x)

    My clustering does not work in the first place?     If this is your first time running JBoss clustering, you will need to make sure that the mulitcast is working on your machines. To troubleshoot it, go to ...
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    last modified by ozizka
  • JBossProjectVersioning

    JBoss Project Version Convention Project versions will follow the OSGi conventions for release names.  As you follow the naming conventions below, you will note that they do not follow the Maven standards for nam...
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    last modified by andy.miller
  • JBossWS - wsconsume

    wsconsume is a command line tool and ant task that "consumes" the abstract contract (WSDL file) and produces portable JAX-WS service and client artifacts. For a more detailed overview, see "Using wsconsume". Comma...
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    last modified by kruegera
  • Why do I get "Trying to return an unknown connection2"?

    Many persistence frameworks (Hibernate2/OBJ) open and close connections "at random".  As far as JBoss is concerned it looks like one ejb allocated the connection and another closed it.  The connection close ...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Cross talking between clusters with same multicast ports but different multicast addresses

    Cross talking  When we have IP multicast based clusters (ie. using the UDP transport) and have them configured as   Cluster-1: <UDP mcast_addr="" mcast_port="5000" ... />   Cluster-...
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    last modified by rhusar
  • GSoC

    Overview Each year since 2005, Google has hosted its Summer of Code program to connect collegiate programmers with free and open source software projects, both to introduce the students to open source and to bring pot...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • SandBox

    SandBox Response Times Concepts Enabling Response Time measurement EJB call times Response Times Concepts Enabling Response Time measurement EJB call times Web application response time...
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    last modified by rhusar
  • OutOfMemoryExceptionWhenCannotCreateThread

    Why Do I Get OutOfMemoryException When My Operating System Is Unable to Create More Threads?  What is Thread Stack Thread Stack is the memory that is used by each thread to push/pop functions and variables used ...
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    last modified by jbertram
  • OutOfMemoryExceptions

    OutOfMemoryExceptions  This section attempts to cover some of the most common reasons why you may see an OutOfMemoryError from your JBoss application server. Interestingly, there are several cases where the JVM ...
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  • Google Summer of Code 2011

    Rather than copy out existing work which is relevant, please see the Google Summer of Code 2010 page for details.   After that, JBoss.org projects interested in submitting student projects to GSoC should link to...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • JBossWS - Tutorials (external)

    Related information and tutorials outside the scope of JBossWS reference documentation. Please add anything you consider a good read. JAXB JAXB as part of the EE5 tutorial   JAX-WS JAX-WS Handlers explained ...
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    last modified by asoldano
  • Object Management Group Standards

    The Object Management Group (or OMG) "has been an international, open membership, not-for-profit computer industry consortium since 1989. Any organization may join OMG and participate in our standards-setting process....
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  • Main

    JBossWiki  Welcome to the JBossWiki!  The wiki is for information about JBoss the application server and associated open source community.  It has no specific topic but is for all things JBoss. Anyone ...
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    last modified by bosschaert
  • ISO

    ISO (http://www.iso.org) is the International Organization for Standardization. It is one of the few government-accepted standardization organizations. Many SDO's (standards development organisations) submit their sta...
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    last modified by bosschaert
  • JBossAndTuxedoIntegration

    JBoss can be integrated with Tuxedo services. Here are two companies that provide software/support for Tuxedo services.   Oracle is providing a JCA adapter for Tuxedo.http://blogs.oracle.com/Tuxedo/entry/tuxedo_j...
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    last modified by jay.howell
  • How to Run JBoss Messaging Test Suite

    1. Setting up the environment   First you need to check out the correct JBM version from svn repository.   Before running the tests, you need the following tools installed:   Java SDK 1.5 or above. ...
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    last modified by gaohoward
  • PerfTests

      The information below is for perf.Test which was the default perf test up to and including JGroups 3.0. In 3.1, perf.Test was replaced with MPerf. See http://www.jgroups.org/manual-3.x/html/user-advanced.html#M...
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    last modified by belaban
  • JBossWS - WS-Security options

    JBossWS implements WS-Security 1.0 specifications to provide users with message level security. The user guide explains how to configure WS-Security through declaration files and annotations; for this aim, a simple e...
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    last modified by asoldano