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Thread wise in groovy
wise in groovyHi, Pls be kind enough to let me know any samples for use wise in groovy without using WiseMappers and let groovy to inspecting dynamically generated class in method invocation with complex model. Thanks, Chatura.
Thread Not able to generate beans from WSDL because of namespace co
Not able to generate beans from WSDL because of namespace coHi All, I am trying variuos examples given in JBoss ESB server - 4.6, i ran them successfully, But when i modified 'webservice_consumer_wise2' example so that it uses my WSDL file. This WSDL file has namespace collisi...
Integrating wise-core1.1 in wise-webguiHi, with 1.0.x version I've got problems with relative wsdl imports (https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/WISE-134). How could I integrate the new core version (that fixes the bug) with wise-webgui? Thanks in advance,...
Wise 1.1 releasedOur great team is proud to announce the 1.1 release of Wise project. have a look on our blog for the full announcement http://jbosswise.blogspot.com/2009/08/wise-11-released.html
Wise SOAPClient + WS-SecurityHello, I would like to create a JBossESB Wise SOAPClient with WS-Security support. I am using JBossESB 4.5GA. I am not sure but looks like the Wise version shipped with 4.5GA is old and doesn't support WS-Security. ...
Web services loggingWe have an application that exposes all services as web services. We are using JBOSS 4.2.2 for deploying the web service. Now we need a method to log the request and response for each web service. I tried to configur...
Wise deploying in JBOSS ASHello! I want to deploy wise client application under JBOSS AS (jsp or servlet), which refer to web-services on another server. So, can you say me what libraries and configuration changes i need to do for that? I need...
Wise Api in Web ApplicationHello, congratulations for the new version... I've been trying version 0.9 (and version 1.0 in the last few days) in standalone applications, and you have done a great job. I'm planning to use wise api in a web appli...
Wise - HttpsGuys, I would like to use the action to send SoapClient (Wise) to access an external webservice. However, to connect to the web service is used with SSL Mutual, where I have to use a certificate. What would be the b...
Wise with bpel and JBossWSHi! First of all, very interesting project!! The only thing I saw before was WSIF from apache but I think the project stopped. It's good to see something similar and attached to the JBoss platform. I also saw the road...