2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 30, 2002 10:13 AM by milowe

    Timeout after getEJBObject



      I use Jboss3.0.3 and have a problem with accessing
      a Stateful Session Bean for the first time from its handle.

      Basic sceanrio :
      1. Incoming request to server
      2. Creating Session Bean
      3. Saving handle for bean
      4. New incoming request to server
      5. Looking up bean with getEJBObject
      6. Timeout for about 3 mins
      7. Normal execution

      This only happens the first time I look up the bean. Any
      further requests manage to look up the bean without the timeout. Log snippet attached.

      Anyone got an idea what might cause this behaviour?

        • 1. Re: Timeout after getEJBObject

          This seems to be a Linux(RH 8) specific problem.
          I can not repeat this beviour on a W2K server.

          • 2. solved

            I doubt it that anyone has been sleepless from to this one :), but I might as well notify that the problem has been solved. It was a malfunctioning router causing this problem. In other words, jboss on red hat works as supposed to.