1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 5, 2002 4:54 PM by joelvogt

    ClassCastException in MessageDrivenBean



      I've got some problem with casting in message driven bean. I retrieve in onMessage() method objectMessage - this is correct. But when I'm trying to cast this objectMessage to specifed object i receive such exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: assigning instance of class $Proxy87 to field. My passed object contains three parameters where two of them are references to local interfaces.


        • 1. Re: ClassCastException in MessageDrivenBean

          are you receiving the message from say, within the same ear that sent it? These sort of errors seem to be caused by either conflicting jbossmq jar files or possibly deployment not being cleaned up. Try cleaning everything out, making sure versions are the same and give that a go. If this doesn't work can you send and cast a standard type object?