1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 16, 2002 5:59 AM by juha

    3.0.4 shares libraries across ears, 2.4.6 does not!!!



      I have two ear files I want to deploy. The ear files each have a copy of a common jar file, ABC.jar. The ear files also have **different** ABC.properties files, that get processed by a static variable instance.

      When I deployed in 2.4.6, everything worked the way I expected. ear1 load and read the ABC.properties file it was deployed with. ear 2 load and read the ABC.properties file it was deployed with.

      When working to upgrade to JBoss 3.0.4, to my horror I discovered that only one of the ABC.properties files was being read...meaning ear1 and ear2 were sharing an instance dispite being completely seperate. In 2.4.6, I assumed that each ear file got its own classloader and that's why it worked. Is this no longer the case? why not? What can I do to "fix" this "bug" in 3.0.4??