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1. Re: local and remote
adrian.brock Jun 4, 2003 9:25 AM (in response to mallsub)Besides the interface you mean?
It is transparent to the client.
Adrian -
3. Re: local and remote
frolovmx Mar 26, 2013 11:13 AM (in response to mallsub)I'm also very intrested in this question.
In my Java EE6 application running on JBoss AS 7.1.x I use an CDI Interceptor which behaviour depends on whether the entry point in the application has been made by client's remote EJB call or not (e.g. by an EJB timer or EJB @Startup Bean).
Is there any (can be JBoss specific) way to distinguish the remote call from local call to any @Remote EJB method in an CDI interceptor?