7 Replies Latest reply on Jan 29, 2004 8:49 PM by vertigo

    Jboss 3.2.1 Ejb1.1 Session Bean Deployment Problem



      "mjain" wrote:

      I am trying to deploy a Session Bean (EJB 1.1 COmpliant) on JBoss 3.2.1. I keep getting the Following error :

      12:11:39,373 INFO [MainDeployer] Starting deployment of package: file:/D:/jboss
      12:11:39,560 WARN [verifier] EJB spec violation:
      Bean : CompanyFacade
      Section: 16.2
      Warning: The Bean Provider must specify the fully-qualified name of the Java cla
      ss that implements the enterprise bean's business methods.

      12:11:39,560 WARN [verifier] EJB spec violation:
      Bean : CompanyFacade
      Section: 16.2
      Warning: The Bean Provider must specify the fully-qualified name of the enterpri
      se bean's home interface in the home element.

      12:11:39,576 WARN [verifier] EJB spec violation:
      Bean : CompanyFacade
      Section: 16.2
      Warning: The Bean Provider must specify the fully-qualified name of the enterpri
      se bean's remote interface in the remote element.

      12:11:39,576 ERROR [MainDeployer] could not create deployment: file:/D:/jboss-3.
      org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Verification of Enterprise Beans faile
      d, see above for error messages.
      at org.jboss.ejb.EJBDeployer.create(EJBDeployer.java:487)
      at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.create(MainDeployer.java:784)
      at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.deploy(MainDeployer.java:639)
      at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.deploy(MainDeployer.java:613)
      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
      at org.jboss.mx.capability.ReflectedMBeanDispatcher.invoke(ReflectedMBea

      Here's the descriptor file which i am using:

      <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <!DOCTYPE ejb-jar
      PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1//EN"



      Any help would be appreciated


        • 1. Re: Jboss 3.2.1 Ejb1.1 Session Bean Deployment Problem


          "adrian@jboss.org" wrote:
          It probably can't find the class (or some other class used
          by the interface).

          Try turning off strict verification in conf/jboss-service.xml to see whether you get
          any more information when it tries to run.


          • 2. Re: Jboss 3.2.1 Ejb1.1 Session Bean Deployment Problem


            "mjain" wrote:
            Thanx Adrian

            I turned the StrictVerifier Off and now i am getting the ClassNotFoundException. But it's not able to find my Home Class itself (CompanyFacadeHome in my case), although it's there in the Jar file. Could it be possible that it's not able to find some other class which the Bean is using


            • 3. Re: Jboss 3.2.1 Ejb1.1 Session Bean Deployment Problem


              "mjain" wrote:

              I saw your comments on : http://jboss.org/thread.jsp?forum=47&thread=6896&message=376544&q=Classpath+Codebase+-service.xm#376544

              I had put some stuff in the JBOSS_CLASSPATH. I removed everything and put the required jars in the lib/ext folder. Now i am not getting error.

              Thanx a ton


              • 4. Re: Jboss 3.2.1 Ejb1.1 Session Bean Deployment Problem


                "jdcasey" wrote:
                I have this exact problem. I have verified everything that's currently in this thread. My EJBs depend on some utility classes which are jar'ed and in the root of the EAR file (the appropriate references are in the EJB's MANIFEST.MF file, in the Class-Path attribute, and the Class-Path attribute is followed by an extra newline). These utility classes are being developed in their own release cycles, and need the ability to be updated when new EJB's are deployed (eg. NOT requiring a server reboot to do so). Therefore, placing these jar files in lib/ext is NOT A SOLUTION. Even if it were, the purist in me _screams_ at this, since this is supposed to be for trusted code, and since I don't want everything running a JVM to see this code.

                Isn't there another way?

                • 5. Re: Jboss 3.2.1 Ejb1.1 Session Bean Deployment Problem


                  "jdcasey" wrote:
                  I have this exact problem. I have verified everything that's currently in this thread. My EJBs depend on some utility classes which are jar'ed and in the root of the EAR file (the appropriate references are in the EJB's MANIFEST.MF file, in the Class-Path attribute, and the Class-Path attribute is followed by an extra newline). These utility classes are being developed in their own release cycles, and need the ability to be updated when new EJB's are deployed (eg. NOT requiring a server reboot to do so). Therefore, placing these jar files in lib/ext is NOT A SOLUTION. Even if it were, the purist in me _screams_ at this, since this is supposed to be for trusted code, and since I don't want everything running a JVM to see this code.

                  Isn't there another way?

                  • 6. Re: Jboss 3.2.1 Ejb1.1 Session Bean Deployment Problem


                    "nagulapati" wrote:
                    Hello Manish,

                    I am facing a similar problem as yours when I am trying to deploy a stateless session bean.

                    As you said, I tried searching for the directory "lib/ext" but I couldnt find one. I am using JBoss 3.2.1 but I was wondering to which ext directory were you referring to?

                    Thanks for your help,

                    • 7. Re: Jboss 3.2.1 Ejb1.1 Session Bean Deployment Problem

                      In JBoss it is server/default/lib.