5 Replies Latest reply on Jul 24, 2003 10:44 AM by shaun

    Cannot find environment parameter

      I setup an environment property in my ejb-jar.xml file as-


      <!--This element is an environment variable only available in jlidState-->
      This element is an environment variable representing the start ID of the JLID entry. For example if the startJLID is 50000 then only JLIDS above 50000 should be displayed.

      <!--The JNDI location for the environment variable is java:comp/env/startJLID-->


      and try and access it in my code by

      * get the startJLID environment variable from ejb-jar.xml
      * /
      Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
      String startJLID = (String) initCtx.lookup("java:/comp/env/startJLID");
      System.out.println("startJLID : "+startJLID);

      but I get a javax.naming.NameNotFoundException : startJLID not bound

      I'm using JBoss 3.0.3 + tomcat (this is virtually copied straight out of the Mastering EJB book by Roman et al)

      Any ideas what's wrong?

      Thanks in advance,

        • 1. Re: Cannot find environment parameter

          Post the full thing,
          your post shows

          • 2. Re: Cannot find environment parameter

            Here's the whole thing

            <?xml version="1.0"?>
            <!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd">


            <!--This element is an environment variable only available in jlidState-->
            This element is an environment variable representing the start ID of the JLID entry. For example if the startJLID is 50000 then only JLIDS above 50000 should be displayed.

            <!--The JNDI location for the environment variable is java:comp/env/startJLID-->







            • 3. Re: Cannot find environment parameter


              try to look at JNDIView (jmx-console) where the env var. is registered.


              • 4. Re: Cannot find environment parameter

                It confirms it's not there.

                • 5. Re: Cannot find environment parameter

                  The error was in the code!

                  String startJLID = (String) initCtx.lookup("java:/comp/env/startJLID");

                  String startJLID = (String) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env/startJLID");

                  Schoolboy error on my part!