1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 13, 2003 6:41 PM by spoox2

    EJB with JBOSS



      I am new to use this application server.
      I need some help who alredy well known about this
      application server.

      My problem is:
      I created one directory called ejbexample inside that directory I created two sub directories like CLASSES (all EJB classes) and META-INF directory(ejb-jar.xml and jboss.xml).

      I want to create Jar manually,
      so I gave like this path jar -cvf test.jar -c. .
      then creates jar file, then that JAR i put into JBoss
      deploy directory.
      Once I start JBoss application server it was saying Deploy fail.
      Then I saw the jar file also by using jar -tvf test.jar and i t was showing all classes and xml files.

      What the things i did wrong, so please ane one tell
      exactly how can I deploy a component using
      manually. or give any suggestions for deploy components.

        • 1. Re: EJB with JBOSS

          hi..i am new to using EJB too. I was able to use the tutorial successfully using JBoss 3.0.8, J2sdk1.4.1 and J2sdkee1.3 . I was able to sucessfully deploy the beans but not able to have the client access them. so try using JBoss 3.0.8 which i guess is preety stable and has been arnd. for a while. let me know if it works. Also jus' make sure to put in ur environment details and exactly when u get the error.