0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 24, 2003 6:19 PM by brianmcglothlen

    JNDI lookup with multiple jar files


      I'd like to retreive a jndi name from a jndi name table and call initialContext.lookup() with it. The session bean that makes the call will have no prior knowledge what EJB this name will map to (xDoclet ejb-ref won't work here). However, the ejb will be derived from a baseclass session bean whose create() will be called and a known interface will be referenced. These ejbs will be in their own jar files, and the user can add one to the sytem by dropping one in the deploy directory and adding the jndi name to the jndi name table.

      I have been able to derive session beans from other session beans, and have figured out the trick with link="base.jar#Foobar" using ejb-external-ref to reference ejbs in external jar files. But, am struggling with how to reference any ejb in the deploy directory without putting the reference in the baseclass jar file's ejb-jar.xml/jboss.xml.

      I'd be most grateful for any ideas. Thanks.
      - brian