1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 16, 2003 4:41 AM by jonlee

    Update methos into an entity java bean !



      I created a remote entity bean( the persistence is managed bt the bean) and i was wondering this :

      if i can call the method create to insert a new record and the method remove to delete, which method do i have to call to update the record ?
      For instance :

      Customer customer = h.createWithDate("Jackie","Brown");


      // save the new value in the DB
      customer. ???????????????

      // remove the record

      Do i have to call the ejbstore method ?


        • 1. Re: Update methos into an entity java bean !

          ejbStore and ejbLoad are called by the container. The container manages the synchronization with the database. ejbStore is called before a BMP bean is passivated.

          ejbStore and ejbLoad are governed by the definition of your transactions.

          That is the short version. Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans by Ed Roman goes into more detail.