3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 29, 2004 7:15 PM by tsagovic

    Local / remote interface


      Hello folks,
      Does JBoss optimize the calls, and there is no need to state that the EJBs are local and not remote, or one should explicitly make the local interfaces and use them? (I read somewhere that JBoss always does the oprimization) Are there any benifits of making local interfaces if the EJBs and their client reside in the same JVM (assuming I don't want to move the code to another app. server that needs local interfaces tooptimize calls)?
      Awaiting your reply!"
      Thanks in advance!

        • 1. Re: Local / remote interface

          U have an other related question;-( Does having different packages WAR for the web app, and JAR for the beans affect the performance? Can local calls be made only when the client and the server are in the same EAR file? Could you reference to local EJBs in other EAR files?

          • 2. Re: Local / remote interface

            Remote invocations are optimized to local invocations regardless
            (unless you turn the optimization off).
            Some parts of the spec require local interfaces (e.g. CMR)

            Maybe you don't want to expose some ejbs with remote interfaces?


            • 3. Re: Local / remote interface

              Thank you very much for the quick reply Adrian:)

              "adrian@jboss.org" wrote:

              Maybe you don't want to expose some ejbs with remote interfaces?

              Why would you do this? (the only reason that I can think of is security, any other posssible reasons)?