1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 2, 2004 4:58 PM by oz59

    Re: Standard Stateful Session Bean Error


      Hi oz59!

      Original Thread from Developer Forum


      The SPECjAppServer2004 Benchmark isn't released yet and as far as I know you have to buy it.

      Here are some more Information about the ItemBrowserSes:
      - The ItemBrowserSes Bean is Stored in the http session of the user, if it does not exist in the session, than it will be created. (I tried both local and remote interface call)
      - The ItemBrowserSes Bean use ca. 100 ItemEnt Beans, which have only local interfaces.
      - The Driver, which creates the load on the System, makes http request to the servlet and browse through the Items 14 one to show the first Item Page than 10 times browse forward and 3 times browse backwards in a loop. This were made for 10 concurrent users eg. threads!

      The error seems to me occure randomly.

      I am sorry that I cannot give you the neccessary code of the beans.
