1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 27, 2004 4:46 PM by astehman

    ClassCastException on Session Bean - Classloader issue?

      jboss/linux versions: Jboss 3.2.1 on Mandrake linux 2.4.21-199-default

      I'd be grateful if anyone can give me any clues what to check. When a Struts Action class attempts to lookup a Session bean, it gets a ClassCastException. I don't understand how - jboss.jar and ejb-jar.xml look good, and the code looks fine. Is it because the class trying to load the SSB lives in WEB-INF, and the class it is trying to load lives in the app jar?

      The problematic line of code (where userInterfaceQE is of type UserInterfaceQE):

      userInterfaceQE = (UserInterfaceQE) ((UserInterfaceQEHome) EJBHomeFactory.getFactory().lookUpHome(UserInterfaceQEHome.class)).create();

      The ejb-jar entry:


      The jboss.xml entry:


      Locations of the Action class vs. Session class
      Session lives in app jar:


      Action lives in WEB-INF: