3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 10, 2004 10:26 AM by starksm64

    Unexpected transaction retries


      Im using JBoss 3.2.5.
      I have a problem with a SLSB, where in some cases, a call to one of its method is performed twice, that is the transaction is apparently being retried, without any Exception being thrown. No deadlock is being reported.
      Is this a feature or a bug?
      Does JBoss transaction management retry a transaction in case of resource timeout, or to serialize transactions?


        • 1. Re: Unexpected transaction retries

          There is retry logic on application deadlock detection. The retry attempt is logged at debug level. See the org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxInterceptorCMT code.

          • 2. Re: Unexpected transaction retries

            Thanks for the quick answer. That explains my problems.

            Will it be possible in a later release of JBoss (4.0?) to assign different MAX_RETRIES on a per Bean basis?


            • 3. Re: Unexpected transaction retries

              Create an RFE for that on sourceforge.

              You can disable retries by specifiying a org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxRetryExceptionHandler implementation in the container configuration in either the jboss.xml or standardjboss.xml

               <container-configuration extends="Standard Stateless SessionBean">
               <!-- CMT -->
               <interceptor transaction="Container">org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxInterceptorCMT