1 Reply Latest reply on May 31, 2005 2:31 PM by lafr

    calling directly a web service


      Does anybody know how to call a web service directly, I mean:

      A web service is deployed and the IP is xxx.yyy.aaa.bbb

      A client bean wnat to call this web service and the code is the following:

      Context ic = new InitialContext();
      Object homeObj = ic.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/traderHome");
      TraderHome home;
      home = (TraderHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(homeObj, TraderHome.class);

      Trader trader;
      trader = (Trader) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(home.create(), Trader.class);

      But, how can I specify that the service is in a concrete IP. I do not want the client to find out the service, bacause I know exactly where it is.

      Thanks for the help