2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 24, 2005 3:36 AM by jactor

    Root deploying

      When deploying ear.files which includes ejb3 jars (ejb3 and par) you cannot deploy the web-content on root (for instance under the tomcat directory ROOT.war). How can you access EJB3 when you want to deploy your (web)application under the root-directory and not prefix the url with the war-name?

      Do you have to create a war file in addition to access the EJBs and therefore have to have your .class files both in the war file and in the web-directory?

        • 1. Re: Root deploying

          Is there not anyone with an idea of how to solve this?

          If I have a deployment under the ROOT.war folder I have to include the classes that I am going to use in the war file as well which makes it deployed double up and this can give me headaches if I am going to bug-search the code...

          Do I have to deploy things to the war file as well as the war folder?

          • 2. Re: Root deploying

            In an other thread I foud the answer. When deploying with war og ear you can configure its root-context and don't need to copy to the ROOT.war directory till TomCat...
