1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 2, 2006 12:08 AM by jaikiran

    Class loading and NoClassDefFoundError


      Hello people,

      I have a doubt about manifests and class loading.

      I am using jboss 3.2.7, and everytime I change a POJO jar, inside my ear directory (My ear is expanded), from a-1.jar to a-2-RC1.jar, I need to generate a ejb/war that loads this artefact, or i will get a
      ClassDefNotFoundException, or rename a-2-RC1.jar to a-1.jar, which is ugly. :-(

      Is there a bettter way to not generate the ejb/war?

      I tried to generate a dummy-ejb.jar file every time I change a jar in the EAR directory. This dummy ejb has no classes inside, only the ejb descriptors and a manifest that includes all POJOS jars in his manifest.
      I am using a plain class loader policy, so the solution above should work. but it isn't.

      Any sugestions?

      Breno Leitao