0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 10, 2006 10:29 AM by jivkoto

    CMR fileds available after raw SQL delete of related records


      Hi I have problem with Conteiner Managed Relation.
      Environment: JBoss 4.0.4.GA, JDK 1.5.0_07 on WindowsXP + SP2, SQL SERVER 2000

      I have two EJBs A and B with container managed bidirectional relation (one ? many). I am using direct SQL to delete the records for B related with one of A?s instances.
      Later when I call a.getBs(), returned collection is not empty, even if the entities are removed.
      If I get B?s home interface and make b.findByA(PK) the returned collection is empty.
      It seems that the relation is not updated.

      Here is a simple snippet.

      //This is in Entity A.
      public boolean hasInstances()
       Collection coll = null;
       BHomeLocal processHome = ? //perform lookup here
       coll = processHome.findByAid(getId());
       catch (NamingException e)
       catch (FinderException e)
      //Note coll is empty. No B entities found
       Collection bCollection = getBs(); //CMR of A
       return (!bCollection.isEmpty());
      //Note that it returns false, and bCollection contains the ids of the //removed B instancess

      If anyone can help to tell is it bug or I am doing wrong that I am using direct SQL to delete records. 10x