1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 26, 2006 7:25 AM by jaikiran

    EJB debugging problem


      Hi, I use JBoss and I need to debug my own Beans, which I get by

      InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
      TestBean test = ctx.lookup("test/TestBean/remote");

      I run Jboss in debug mode, next connect eclipse and everything is ok, but if I enter (step by step) into TestBean, Eclipse display information about source not found (it exist in project).
      The tab name is $Proxy107.myMEthod.

      DO I have I right thinking that JNDI uses TCP/IP to bind objects?

      So, is a possibility to debug jndi objects and how?

        • 1. Re: EJB debugging problem

          "Step into" is not going to work on those proxies. However, you directly add a breakpoint in any of the methods of the implementation of your bean and whenever the method gets called as part of a flow, the control will stop at that point.