1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 21, 2007 2:13 AM by jaikiran

    Serializable return object from stateless session bean


      I have a remote stateless session bean methos that returns an object that doesn't implement the serializable interface (this object is a class with 4 String attributes).

      So from what i understand the method should not work and throw a java.io.NotSerializableException when invoked.

      This is the case when i deploy the application on Jboss 4.0.3
      But when i deploy it on jboss 4.0.5GA it works fine.
      I can invoke the remote method and it works although the return type is not serializable.

      Just to note, when i try to invoke the metod (in both cases), I always do it from the same pc server the jboss is running but I always lookup the remote interface.

      Does any why know why the difference in behaiour?


        • 1. Re: Serializable return object from stateless session bean


          Just to note, when i try to invoke the metod (in both cases), I always do it from the same pc server the jboss is running but I always lookup the remote interface.

          Maybe your 4.0.5GA server is treating the call to the remote method as local and not serializing the parameters. Check what's the value for CallByValue in conf/jboss-service.xml file for your 4.0.5GA instance and compare it with your 4.0.3 instance.