0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 2, 2008 11:46 AM by 4marcus

    Underlying connectivity on Remote EJB Access



      I have some questions regarding technical connectivity of JBoss, which I could not resolve/find by checking the forums/documentation solely.

      Accessing EJBs (SLSBs) from Remote Clients:
      AFAIK, you can use RMI/IIOP to connect to the EJB Server. The actual connection handling relies on the InitialContextFactory implementation and the ORB implementation being used.

      Using BEA/WLS you can also use T3 as protocol which takes over the connection handling in a performant way (multiplexing, clustercapability).

      Questions regarding JBoss:
      1) What are the options with JBoss towards standalone client doing remote EJB calls?

      How does JBoss behave/what does JBoss use to realize the remote-EJB calls and what is configurable? I am particular interested in the lifecycle of the underlying TCP connections within failover setup (what if a connection breaks? Will it automatically be re-established/redirected)?

      2) With BEA WLS you can use the T3 connection for the client also to subscripe to a Server Topic. How would this be realized with JBoss - is the TCP/IP connection built up and held open from the client to the server? Or would one use a completely different approach to realize client notification?
      Reading http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/ConfigJBossMQIL and /ConfigUIL2 contains some info. Does this mean, the client builds and maintains the connection to the server?)
