0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 12, 2008 1:25 PM by msecrist

    Using EJB 2.x cmp with annotations


      I posted earlier some issues I was having with local (in container) vs remote (separate VM) calls. A common theme seems to be the use of the utility class generated by the xdoclet processing. Or - it may be something in the way JBoss handles servlet requests as opposed to ejb->ejb requests. What I've found is that I can have a session EJB invoke an ejbUtil.getHome method on another EJB without problems but invoking the same method from a servlet deployed as part of the EAR package fails.

      Actually, a call to getLocalHome() utility method fails with '$Proxy123 cannot be cast to LocalHome.

      Calling getLocalHome() utility method fails with '$Proxy123 cannot be cast to org.omg.CORBA.Object'

      I'd suspect the utility class except that
      1) This works when calling EJB (session) to EJB (entity)
      2) This works when calling from a simple Java class running in a separate JVM
      3) Fails with the above issue from either a servlet or JSP deployed as part of the overall EAR

      Is it possible there is some confusion of classes that is causing this?

