0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 22, 2001 12:22 PM by cqjd

    [ANN] free remote JSP/java debugger for JBoss with Tomcat 3.


      Day Corp.'s 'Communiqué JSP Debugger' is a remote java/jsp debugger for
      Tomcat. it's based on jpda 1.0 (java platform debugger architecture),
      which is the official debugging support for the java 2 platform.

      some features
      - source-level JSP-debugging - any server, any time
      - the only debugger to support JSP debugging on Tomcat versions 3.x AND 4.0
      - remote debugging on any JDPA-compliant Virtual Machine (VM)
      - debug ejb's and servlets
      - browse server-side webapps
      - view Servlet/JSP source code
      - dynamic and static JSP inclusion support for breakpoints and stepping
      - view JSP inclusion dependencies
      - no need to modify Tomcat configuration
      - absolutely no server deployment necessary
      - no file-sharing protocol between debugger and server running Tomcat
      - automatic Tomcat configuration detection
      - syntax coloring for JSP and Java source code
      - one single executable, no setup required (debug client)

      where you can get it
      Communiqué JSP Debugger 1.0 is available now for *free* downloading via
      Day's Developer Network site at

      why is it free?
      Communiqué JSP Debugger started live as a side-project for our own ide
      named Communiqué Development Environment. we quickly realized that
      debugging jsp's remotely is a often requested feature and that our debugger
      had some features which none of the currently available products could
      match. as developing jsp debuggers is not a strategic business for Day, we
      decided to distribute a stand-alone version as freeware. by doing this, we
      hope to contribute our share to the Tomcat development community which has
      put so much unpaid time and effort into a standard on which our product
      Communiqué stands and benefits from greatly.

      your feedback is highly appreciated. please send comments, questions and
      bug reports to mailto:cqjd@day.com

      Thanks for reading
      Communiqué Development Team