1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 26, 2001 11:32 AM by tuisku

    System.getProperty problems after EJB call


      Linux RedHat 7.1
      Sun JDK 1.3.1
      JBoss 2.4.3 + Tomcat 3.2.3
      JBoss 2.4.1 + Jetty-3.1.RC9-1


      Can somebody tell me what is wrong here:

      1) login.jsp --- FORM POST (uid,pwd) --->
      2) PersonHandlingServlet --- EJB Call JAAS login() --->
      3) login.jsp?action=process

      I don't use Servlet Container's FORM-based login features, but do it manually at the moment.

      Everything goes well until we do response.sendRedirect("/login.jsp") at step 2.
      Servlet container can't show the login.jsp anymore.

      The problems seem to originate from the fact that
      whatever System.getProperty(...) returns null.
      As I tested ...

      at step 1)

      >>> System.getProperty('java.io.tmpdir') = /tmp

      at step 3)

      >>> System.getProperty('java.io.tmpdir') = null

      Why this?, in between we make EJB calls...

      This is an Servlet application that works without
      the EJB layer and the EJB layer works with a
      Java standalone program just fine...


        • 1. Re: System.getProperty problems after EJB call

          Reason ?

          Wild guess is that you can't share the code with
          JAAS standalone stuff (AppCallbackHandler
          and LoginContext etc.) and omit the Servlet
          login configuration in Web application, but
          must stick with the JAAS-HOWTO example.
          Servlet Container must know the user Principals
          and Credentials.

          Am I right?
