1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 20, 2001 12:27 AM by rakhbari

    JBoss 2.4.3 + Tomcat 3.2.3 + Apache 1.3.22 ???


      Has anybody tried this trio of JBoss 2.4.3 + Tomcat 3.2.3 + Apache 1.3.22?

      I am having problem setting up Apache 1.3.22 with our duo of JBoss 2.4.3 + Tomcat 3.2.3. I believe we have to use mod_jk and not mod_webapp for this version. When I try to add LoadModule line for mod_jk in httpd.conf, apache gives me syntax error at that line. Any clues? Has anybody written a How-To for this trio of jboss/tomcat/apache.



        • 1. Re: JBoss 2.4.3 + Tomcat 3.2.3 + Apache 1.3.22 ???

          Well, I have JBoss 2.4.0 + Tomcat 3.2.3 + Apache 1.3.22 and have successfully gotten mod_jk to pass all Tomcat related stuff over to Tomcat, yet at the same time serve all the static files by Apache.

          The How-to that I used was simply the one that came with the mod_jk docs on Tomcat's web site. It's tedious, but eventually you'll get it to work. I'm using a "virtual host" in Apache, but I'm sure you can get it to work without a virtual host config.

          As far as I remember, here are the steps:

          1. If you're running Apache on Windows, make sure you've got the mod_jk.dll in the Apache/modules subdir, or the mod_jk.so for Linux/UNIX.

          2. Somewhere either in your httpd.conf, or in another .conf file that you "include" at the end of your httpd.conf you must specify this stuff:

          LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.dll
          JkWorkersFile "<TOMCAT_HOME>/conf/workers.properties"
          JkLogFile "<TOMCAT_HOME>/logs/mod_jk.log"
          JkMount /<WEBAPPS_CONTEXT>/* ajp13
          JkMount /<WEBAPPS_CONTEXT>/servlet/* ajp13
          JkMount /<WEBAPPS_CONTEXT>/*.jsp ajp13

          Obviously you want to replace <TOMCAT_HOME> with whatever path that leads to it. Also <WEBAPPS_CONTEXT> is the string for the context which Tomcat is suppose to take care of. This is the same string you used in Tomcat's server.xml to define your webapp context and it's docBase and all that junk.

          Also there are a few lines (context interceptors) you have to add to server.xml to make all this work as well and those are outlined in the Tomcat mod_jk docs on their site.

          Hope this helped.