2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 15, 2001 1:35 AM by hraun

    Getting WebApp to start up after EJBs


      My WebApp is failing to initialise correctly due to the order in which the embedded tomcat service starts up.
      I have a webapp which stores a reference to the EJB InitialContext on the ServletContext for use by other JSPs etc...
      Most of the time though, my EJBs are not deployed until AFTER the WebApp has started up. This causes the WebApp initialisation to fail.
      Any ideas on how I can modify the startup order of the AutoDeployer/TomcatService?

        • 1. Re: Getting WebApp to start up after EJBs

          Hi, I experienced similar problems, may be might help a little bit:
          If you're using embbeded tomcat, and your .ear contains .war and
          .jar, then there should be no problem.

          If you're using embbeded tomcat, and you decided to put .war in
          tomcat/webapps, when embbeded tomcat starts and deploy your war,
          will produce error (I don't have any solution for this, though)

          -- Verdi March --

          • 2. Re: Getting WebApp to start up after EJBs

            Currently, I have the war and ejb-jar file deployed separately in the deploy dir.
            But, if the war and ejb-jar are deployed together in an ear, the ejb-jar will be deployed first?

            I'll try what you suggest.