1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 16, 2002 1:52 AM by ldandersen

    Switching Crimson to Xerces Breaks Tomcat/SSL Config


      This is sort of, shall we say, an "interdisciplinary" problem, so I'm not sure where to post it, but I'll try this forum. To put it simply, I really need to use Xerces instead of the default Crimson that comes with JBoss. I have followed the instructions for switching XML parsers (editing run.bat, switching out the Jars).

      The switch works great until I add the following code to jboss.jcml to make Tomcat use SSL:


      After adding the above code, the following error starts popping up when JBoss tries to start up embedded tomcat:

      [INFO,EmbeddedCatalinaServiceSX] Starting
      [INFO,EmbeddedCatalinaServiceSX] Starting EmbeddedCatalinaSX....
      [INFO,EmbeddedCatalinaServiceSX] Building Http engine and connector
      [INFO,Default] PARSE error at line 1 column 1
      org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The markup in the document preceding the root element must be well-formed.

      I suspect that Xerces' problem is arising from the XML actually embedded within the "config" element, although I don't understand enough about how the JBoss/Tomcat bundle works to know precisely why Xerces objects and Crimson doesn't. Does anyone have any ideas about either:

      1. How I could solve this parsing problem?

      - or -

      2. How I could achieve a similar SSL configuration using different XML?

      Any help would be GREATLY, GREATLY appreciated! Thanks so much!

      Buzz Andersen