0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 9, 2002 11:35 AM by rajbsaini

    Webapp deployed as war in Jboss not accessible from apache


      I am able to configure the apache with Integrated tomcat+jboss. I am also able to run my application from 8080 port.

      But when I access the application deployed from Jboss deply directory, the log of the Jboss shows that application is not available at catalina/webapps/. Since my application is not in tomcat catalina it is not availble to apache.

      I have also configured a test context in apache deployed the application in tomcat webaaps directory. That applciation is avaiable to apache.

      I want to know, how can we confugre the Jboss so that the request coming from apache are server from the jboss deploy directorry.