4 Replies Latest reply on Jun 26, 2002 1:12 PM by mkgarnek

    How to deploy an EAR or WAR that uses Struts on JBoss3.0/Jet


      I am learning how to use JBoss. I have a working web application that uses Struts on Apache/Tomcat. I want to deploy this application on JBoss3.0/Jetty as part of my learning exercise. Once l get the web application working l want to deploy a simple enterprise application that l have working on WebSphere - again as a learning exercise.

      What l am looking for is the structure and location of an EAR that l can use as a template for all my apps. Im thinking of deploying web apps using a WAR and not having any EJB modules in the application.xml. I want to do this so that l have a single template for all my apps. I plan to use Struts in most of my applications so l need a template that works for Struts.

      So far l have added the JDBC jars for my database and struts jars to jboss-3.0.0\lib. My EAR is deployed to
      jboss-3.0.0\server\all\deploy. My current directory structure from this root is

        +- myEjbs.jar
        +- myClasses.jar
        +- META-INF
        |    +- application.xml
        |    +- MANIFEST.MF
        +- myWebApp.war
            +- html files
            +- jsp files
            +- WEB-INF
                +- web.xml
                +- struts-config.xml
                +- struts tld files
      +- lib
      | + (empty)
      +- classes
      + ApplicationResources.properties

      This is mostly working. JSP files are compiling and struts is finding the Action classes that l build - l have put them in myClasses.jar. Its failing on finding messages in ApplicationResources.properties.

      I think lve searched every forum and newsgroup on the planet and cant find any advice on how to structure and application that uses Struts on JBoss3.0/Jetty. Im assuming there are people out there who have succeeded. How have you structured the deployment of your applications? Does anyone know the rule(s) JBoss 3.0/Jetty follows when looking for classes and other resources?
