2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 31, 2002 3:24 AM by fred_soulier

    Environment Variable not found



      Using JBoss3.0.0_Tomcat4.0.3. Application (ear) contains a web component and EJBs and deploys fine.
      The web component defines an environment entry like this:

      Web DAO

      During deployement I can see in the server logs:

      15:36:06,616 DEBUG [EmbeddedCatalinaServiceSX] Binding env-entry: java:/comp/env/dao/WebDAO of type: java.lang.String to value: com.xxxxx.yyyyy.web.dao.WebDAOImplementation

      When the servlet tries to retrieve this env entry from the initial context:

      InitialContext jndiName = new InitialContext();
      String className = (String)jndiName.lookup("dao/WebDAO");

      it throws a ServletException:
      error (Environment Variable dao/WebDAO not found - error (dao not bound))

      Why? JBoss and Tomcat are supposed to run in the same VM.

      Also http://localhost:8082/ does not show this binding in JNDI NAme view (list)
