1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 1, 2002 1:38 PM by stevepark

    jspsmartupload and tomcat


      Has anyone used Tomcat with jspsmartupload? I have a question about using jspsmartupload with Tomcat 4.0.4 in development and having the jspsmartupload getparameter work. I have created a jar file with all the jspsmartupload components and put it into the Tomcat lib directory. I then created two small JSP pages. Now the upload works perfectly, but the text fields returns a null on trying to parse it. Please look at the simple code below if you have used both products, and tell me what I am doing wrong.
      -------> test1.html - I enter the following <--------------------
      1. Word test in first text box
      2. Browse to file d:/zipped/answer.txt
      ----------> I go to test1.jsp and get the following results
      jspSmartUpload : Sample 1

      File 1 is: null
      1 file(s) uploaded.

      Bottom of Form 1

      ------> test1.html <----------------

      // Begin
      function file1Value(thisvalue) {
      thisvalue.form.file1name.value = thisvalue.form.FILE1.value.toString();
      return true;

      // End -->

      <H1>jspSmartUpload : Sample 1</H1>

      ----------------> test1.jsp <--------------------------------
      <%@ page language="java" import="com.jspsmart.upload.*, java.util.*, com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.* "%>

      <jsp:useBean id="mySmartUpload" scope="page" class="com.jspsmart.upload.SmartUpload" />

      <H1>jspSmartUpload : Sample 1</H1>


      // Variables
      int count=0;

      // Initialization


      // Upload
      out.println("File 1 is: " + mySmartUpload.getRequest().getParameter("filename") + "");

      try {

      // Save the files with their original names in the virtual path "/upload"
      // if it doesn't exist try to save in the physical path "/upload"

      count = mySmartUpload.save("D:/zipped/upfilessmart");

      // Save the files with their original names in the virtual path "/upload"
      // count = mySmartUpload.save("/upload", mySmartUpload.SAVE_VIRTUAL);

      // Display the number of files uploaded
      out.println(count + " file(s) uploaded.");

      } catch (Exception e) {



        • 1. Re: jspsmartupload and tomcat

          I got it to work and the only thing I can think of that I did differently was I used a servlet instead of a jsp page. Are you deploying your application in a war archive? If so, is your jar file in the WEB-INF/lib directory of your war file?