4 Replies Latest reply on Feb 18, 2003 7:48 PM by mark_man

    JSP problem


      Hi all
      I am using jsp pages for web ui. These jsp files are distibuted among different folders.

      |-- login
      | | |-- invalid_login.html
      | | |-- login.html
      | | `-- login.jsp
      | |-- main
      | | |-- content.html
      | | |-- main.jsp
      | | `-- navi.jsp

      in my login.jsp page i am trying to redirect the page to main.jsp as

      <jsp:forward page="../main/main.jsp" />

      but it shows me error :
      The requested resource (/login/../main/main.jsp) is not available.

      Why it's like that, because the code works for weblogic7. Is there any configuration for JSP which i am missing ?
      I haven't used any xml file for JSP pages. I simply made a war file and deployed it. If there is any xml file please give me a sample of the same.


        • 1. Re: JSP problem

          Why don't you use "/main/main.jsp". This would get the file based off the root for your webapp context.


          • 2. Re: JSP problem

            Any other ideas out there for this problem. I'm porting my application to JBoss and use relative path addressing throughout.

            I'm having the same problem as ajay and the proposed solution to use the root path would create a maintenance headache at this particular time. I need help in solving this relative path jsp:forward problem.

            Some additional info: If I do not package the application in a WAR it works. The relative path forward(s) find the file. After packaging into a WAR the problem occurs.


            • 3. Re: JSP problem

              Jetty or Tomcat ?

              Version ?


              • 4. Re: JSP problem


                I using the Jetty version with comes with JBoss 3.0.6.

                Thank you for your interest and help,