2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 9, 2002 7:33 AM by xieby2001

    Help,JSP error


      I have a index.jsp file in web-client.war,I want to use this file to access a Session EJB which deployed on JBoss server. After I deployed the web-client.war on the server,I visite this web application http://localhost:8080/web-client, I get these errors

      Unable to compile class for JSPNote: sun.tools.javac.Main has been deprecated.
      Class or interface declaration expected. import javax.servlet.*;
      Superclass org.apache.jsp.HttpJspBase of class org.apache.jsp.index$jsp not found.

      But when I package a simple jsp file ( only echo a "hello world" string ) to a war file, it works fine.

      I don't know what's wrong with it, could anybody tell me what shall I do?

        • 1. Re: Help,JSP error

          The first error I just ignore, as it only seems to appear accompanying other errors. I suspect it is due to using J2SE 1.4 instead of 1.3. Each new version of Java deprecates things.

          As for the latter, I suspect that you could possibly solve it by pointing to another J2EE library; or, upgrading to a different version of Tomcat.

          • 2. Re: Help,JSP error

            Thanks erik777. I readed some other soure code which use jsp to access it's EJB(in JBoss.3.0TemplateAndExamples package). I found my web.xml and jboss-web.xml had some problems, after changed these problems and deploied again, it's works ok.