0 Replies Latest reply on May 13, 2003 3:00 AM by scsiprog

    jboss-web.xml ignored


      I'm trying to deploy a web application previously deployed on WebLogic to the jBoss 3.0.x/Tomcat bundle, but cannot seem to get it to read WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml. I need to configure a resource-ref for a DataSource. The DataSource is configured correctly, since I can find it at "java:/OracleDS" and open a connection.

      To verify that the jboss-web.xml file is not being read, I intentionally placed a non-well-formed version into WEB-INF. No exceptions are thrown and the application is deployed. The non-well-formed jboss-web.xml is listed below:

      <!DOCTYPE jboss-web PUBLIC "-//JBoss//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN" "http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/dtd/jboss-web.dtd">
      <!-- intentionally not well formed -->

      FWIW, I downloaded the latest jBoss 3.2/Tomcat bundle and the results are the same. I'm assuming this is due to some basic goof on my part, but so far I haven't been able to figure it out.

      Andy Key