7 Replies Latest reply on Aug 1, 2003 12:52 AM by chrigri

    tomcat-4.1.24 is default in jboss 3.2.2.RC2


      I see in the JBossWeb section at http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?release_id=163973 that tomcat-4.1.24 is now the default web container in the jboss distribution.

      I have no issue about that change but I still love to know the reasons behind the switch from jetty to tomcat. Thanks!

        • 1. Re: tomcat-4.1.24 is default in jboss 3.2.2.RC2

          This one's been done to the death on the mailing list. :) I don't think it is anything sinister. Just more people ask about Tomcat. *sigh*

          • 2. Re: tomcat-4.1.24 is default in jboss 3.2.2.RC2

            Are you sure it has nothing to do with the Jboss Group vs. coredevelopers.net ??

            This seams like a politically loaded decision....

            So please, core Jboss developers, can you give the _real_ reason?


            • 3. Re: tomcat-4.1.24 is default in jboss 3.2.2.RC2

              I'd like to see reasons for this change. I switched from JBoss+Tomcat to JBoss (w/ Jetty) and now I should switch back again.

              • 4. Re: tomcat-4.1.24 is default in jboss 3.2.2.RC2

                I should point out that you can still get the Jetty module at the JBoss SourceForge site. We've been told it's just not the default for the binary distribution bundle.

                • 5. Re: tomcat-4.1.24 is default in jboss 3.2.2.RC2

                  There aren't reasons for this change? It isn't problem to switch Jetty>Tomcat but I read JBoss included Jetty because of Jetty's performance. Has this changed?

                  • 6. Re: tomcat-4.1.24 is default in jboss 3.2.2.RC2

                    Honestly, I don't know whether there is some issue between CDN and JBoss. And I don't want to get political about the stuff.

                    My own opinion on Tomcat versus Jetty is that I think Jetty is lightweight, fast and more than enough for my servlet/JSP needs. I prefer it. It has a smaller memory footprint. And I originally came from a Tomcat development environment.

                    Many others complain that they want Tomcat as the default. Fair enough. As long as I have the Jetty option, I'm fine with Tomcat being the default in the JBoss binary distribution. If Jetty is no longer supported in the future, I suppose I'll have to build a Jetty SAR plugin. But the source code is there.

                    As for switching, you are just replacing one SAR for another. Luckily, with the 3.2.x/4.x releases, the configuration is now all in the one area rather than being spread across many areas. It makes it easier to unplug one and plug in the other.

                    • 7. Re: tomcat-4.1.24 is default in jboss 3.2.2.RC2

                      I completely agree whith you.
                      _We_ don't need to get political.

                      And, as you say, this realy shows the power of Jboss. It is a remarkably server where you just deploy the containers you need (for instance Jetty or Tomcat).

                      So i guess we will never know the real anserwer, unless there is some statments from the Jboss Group...