1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 13, 2003 5:28 PM by akirdat

    ClassLoader Prob , can't find class from war


      i'm just migrate lots of web apps to JBOSS with Jetty . and the war contained class can not access by itself any more , the servlet use class from other jar(the war contain same name class as jar ) .
      can u understand what i said , forgive me poor english ;_)



        • 1. Re: ClassLoader Prob , can't find class from war

          I have seen this problem before and have gotten around it by using a ear and placing the supporting jar files inside the ear file and setting the classpath in the Manifest.mf file for the ear.

          The Manifest.mf file would look somehting like this:

          Manifest-Version: 1.0
          Class-Path: customerEjb_client.jar inventoryEjb_client.jar signonEjb_client.jar

          Hope this helps.