0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 2, 2003 7:51 AM by gcomba

    .war redeployment



      I'm using "exploded" deployment, I mean, I've one explotApp.ear directory with a explotWeb.war (also directory) inside, along with a couple of .jar with EJB modules. If I change/touch explotApp.ear/META-INF/application.xml the whole application is restarted, but if I only change/touch the explotApp.ear/explotWeb.war/WEB-INF/web.xml nothing happends, so when I need to change classes (under WEB-INF/classes) I have to restart the whole application, when I think this is not needed.

      Is this behavior "by design"? Is there some way to only restart the web application? The problem is restarting the whole application implies destroying and creating every EJB I have and take some time.

      Thanks in advance for any kind of help,

      Gustavo Comba