4 Replies Latest reply on Oct 27, 2003 1:45 AM by frodeh

    very important pdf problem


      Hi all, in the deploy step i build my application with Ant.
      It inserts web-client.war (JSP) and test.jar into

      My application start at the address:

      The web page index.jsp has one submit button, that
      submit a request to session been which creates a file.pdf.

      The question is:

      How do i put my file.pdf in
      "C:\Programs\jboss...\default\deploy\web-client\file.pdf", in way that, i can show it in index.jsp?

        • 1. Re: very important pdf problem

          You need to use an exploded WAR which is an unpacked WAR and its directory structure into JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy; or wherever is appropriate for your run-time instance. You can then just copy the required file into the WAR subdirectory under deploy.

          • 2. Re: very important pdf problem

            Is this the easy way? Is very hard to save the pdf (And Link it) out of the " default/deploy/web-client" directory?

            • 3. Re: very important pdf problem

              Yes it is the easiest way if you want the file to be available as a standard static file. You will need to call the subdirectory under deploy web-client.war so you can access the static content as http://localhost:8080/web-client.

              • 4. Re: very important pdf problem

                As I see, the index-button does a submit..
                If this submit is to a servlet, which I assume, since you otherwise would have just named the jsp that generate the PDF ; index.jsp...

                Well. In index.jsp you can directly load the content of a servlet by letting the index.jsp contain only one line :
                <jsp:include page="/YourServlet" flush="true"/>

                If you want want a link on index.jsp instead, yoy create the form as usual, omit the submit-button, and creates a link like link-text