1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 9, 2003 5:46 PM by richaud

    Problem with Manifest

      I have an application which has the following tree structure:

      |_ META-INF
      |_ application.xml
      |_ moodejb.jar
      |_ META-INF
      |_ Manifest.mf <- Ref to moodlib.jar added in classpath
      |_ mood.war
      |_ Manifest.mf <- Ref to moodlib.jar added in classpath
      |_ WEB-INF
      |_ lib
      |_ < Collections of jars for web app >
      |_ moodlib.jar

      The problem is that since I added the mood.war/META-INF/Manifest.mf file referencing moodlib.jar (a utility jar), jars contained in WEB-INF/lib aren't read any more.

      Do I have to change the full tree structure to move jars in WEB-INF/lib and list them in the manifest?

