1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 4, 2003 2:26 AM by jsurf

    struts form not set


      I got two problems while I am using struts:

      1. The form property never got set. Even I checked the request parameter "UserID" was there. However , the corresponding setUserID() in form never got called. (The form has been created for sure)

      2. I cannot access the data object I put in the session. While I was trying to access a field called "Password" using <jsp:getProperty ...>, I got an error:

      org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Cannot find any information on property 'Password' in a bean of type 'com.orative.portal.data.UserProfile'

      Does anyone experience the same problem before?

      Thanks for the help in advance.

        • 1. Re: struts form not set

          Did you try 'password' instead of 'Password' and 'userId' instead of 'UserId' ? If you have a property method: getExampleProperty() your property name is 'exampleProperty'. The first Letter is always lowercase in the property name but stays Uppercase in the getXxx() and setXxx() methods.